Tuesday, December 10, 2019

What Compounded Suppositories Treat and How to Use Them in Cape Coral, FL

Our body has its systemic way of flushing out toxins and unnecessary residues to maintain balance in our health. To promote good health, we must have fully functioning body organs especially organs responsible in taking out wastes in the body, these systems in our body, (Urinary and Digestive Systems)  are more likely prone to a lot of infection when untreated. 
Administration of medicines has different applications, it can be taken orally, inhalation, nasal or optic, intra-dermal or dermal administration, and the main function of each route of administration is to make sure that the medication will be absorbed faster to the affected area. 
One of the effective routes are the suppositories. The suppository is one type of medication administered rectally and vaginally. Suppositories are highly beneficial to treat hemorrhoids and vaginal infections. And as well as used to pass out food residues out in the body to make sure that the digestive tract is clean before performing a medical procedure. 
Suppository is a solid molded medication that is inserted through rectum and vagina. These medications are more likely to be safer than oral medications because it bypasses the liver metabolism, introduces the medications without hurting the gastrointestinal cavity and prevent gastrointestinal sensitivity, it can also be taken by a person with severe vomiting problems, person with issues taking solid medications and unconscious patients. 
Every individual is unique, the amount of dosage must be met. It is highly recommended to take compounded medicines from compounded pharmacies because patients receive exact amount of dosage of medication used to treat diseases. It avoids the error of cutting tablets for under dosage, or over dosage that can cause several adverse reactions to the body, that instead of treatment it may bring, it adds up to the injury in the body.
For over 28 years, Myerlee Pharmacy has set high standards in compounding medication in Fort Myers and Cape Coral Florida. We make sure that compounding medication is the best option than that of producing medications ready for the market because we believe that every individual is unique, and these compounded suppositories are the best response to the needs of the patients because they receive the exact amount of dosage needed by their body without creating unnecessary adverse reactions. 
Unlike any other compounding pharmacy in the industry, we ensure that the quality of our medicines are sterile and cost effective medication in the market. We ensure the medicines produced are sterile, and we are the only pharmacy in Lee County that has a sterile license from State Board of Pharmacy. We customize drug formulation that is not available in other manufacturers that exist today. 
We care about you and your health! Myerlee Pharmacy as the best compounding pharmacy in Bonita Springs offers sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. We produce complex unique compounded medications that fits every individual customer’s needs after having received a prescription from your physician. 
To know more about our compounding pharmacy, please contact our Fort Myers office at 239-482-3022,our medical staff would be happy to serve at compounding pharmacy Fort Myers, compounding pharmacy Cape Coral, and compounding pharmacy Bonita Springs, or visit our website, https://www.myerleepharmacy.com.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Unexpected Health Problems After 50: How Does Hormone Replacement Therapy Help in Bonita Springs, FL

Women would totally agree on one thing, we love to look young. We are  flattered as women being adored despite the age, we still look like half our age! At 50, our health is deteriorating, Health problems occur, and in the physical appearance, it starts to show, difficulty in sleeping, weight gain, thinning of hair, hot flashes, mood swings, vaginal dryness and even loss of sexual desire! 
Menopausal in women, and andropause in men gives a lot of problems. Both genders may have to take the positive side of reaching 50 in this world full of artificial and plastics, but the fact that you no longer have the young body you once had now have got you thinking. Why is this even happening? Why does it have to happen? Is there a way to lessen the symptoms of menopausal? Is there a possibility that you will have the sexual desire you once had? It may sound likely to be impossible, but there are ways!
Our hormones are the chemicals produced by the glands in our endocrine system. They are important to regulate the process in our body, what to do, what to feel. 
Estrogen and progesterone are the vital hormones in the woman's reproductive system. Estrogen stimulates the production of eggs, Progesterone prepares the womb for egg implantation. As a natural process of aging, the supply of egg cells in women decreases over time, as the number falls, so as the hormones. 
When these hormones start to diminish, that’s the time that we experience changes in our body, hot flashes, difficulty in sleeping, increased heart rate, difficulty in concentrating, mood swings, vaginal dryness and loss of sexual desire. And to lessen the effect of the crisis, Hormone Replacement Therapy is highly recommended. 
What can we benefit from Natural Hormone Replacement Therapy? 
Hormone replacement therapy is used to balance our hormones like estrogen and progesterone during the menopausal years of women and testosterone in men during andropause days. It relieves excessive sweating, hot flashes and other symptoms of menopausal. This therapy also lessens the risk of developing osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases in some.
Women with enough estrogen and progesterone, the skin looks healthier and younger that makes a woman glow. With Hormone Replacement Therapy during the menopausal crisis, it lessens or delays the aging effect on skin or even reverses the aging effect into the skin. And when we feel young, we feel less of the stress that aging brings.
At Myerlee Pharmacy -a top-performing, compounding pharmacy and the only pharmacy that has passed a license for sterile medicine production, since no women or men are alike, they compound medicines according to the patient’s needs and according to your physician’s subscription. 
Proving themselves as the one reputable compounding pharmacy in Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, and Cape Coral since 1991. 
We care about you and your health! Myerlee Pharmacy offers sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. Relative to this, you may contact our office in Fort Myers at 239-482-3022.
For your needs about compounding pharmacy, compounding pharmacy Fort Myers, compounding pharmacy Cape Coral, and compounding pharmacy Bonita Springs, please visit our website for more information at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Which is the Best Natural Weight Loss treatment in Fort Myers, FL?

With the fast establishment of the food chains and the production of the various unhealthy food including but not limited to junk food, instant food, soda and many more, people get fat. 
Worse, everyone does not perform a regular exercise anymore that makes everybody fat. But at a particular stage, people may also come to realize that being healthy is very important especially if he is already been suffering from a generative disease or other ailments similar in nature. 
People start to do research and take weight-loss medications without the advice of the health professional, right?
Residents of Fort Myers Florida are health conscious and they are actively involve in sports clinics. But because of the unhealthy food, they could hardly lose weight. They are usually unhappy that their efforts to lose weight are somewhat ineffective and to address this issue and to fast-track the process, you usually take the unprescribed medications. 
What becomes funny about the process of losing weight is the fact that you perform your daily exercise routines and when you crave to eat something, your whole efforts are wasted. 
To date, there are people who were medically mismanaged whether they undertake their personal weight loss program and take unprescribed medications or followed the advice from a friend that they end up having these health complications. Everyone wants to get thin and envisioned a healthier and happy love life but sometimes you are redirected to the wrong route because of the thought that you may take the short cut to success. 
If you are in Fort Myers, Florida, you may visit  Myerlee Pharmacy because we have the professionals who can legitimately provide you with the right and effective medications. Our primary objective is to provide physicians & other health experts with some resources they need for the advantage and benefit of their respective patients to acquire & maintain their ideal body weight.
We take weight loss treatments very seriously before considering using medications to assist. Your doctor will still have the opportunity to evaluate very carefully some very important details. Weight loss is the reduction of the total body mass due to a mean loss of fluid, body fat or adipose tissue and the intervention of the medical professionals are significant.
For your information, we can help you lose weight so that you will be able to enjoy the following benefits:
  • Decreased risk of diabetes.
  • Lowered blood pressure.
  • Improved cholesterol levels.
  • Decreased risk of heart disease.
  • Decreased risk of certain cancers.
  • Improved mobility.
  • Decreased joint pain.
  • Improved blood sugar levels
For your needs about Weight Loss treatment, Prescription Weight Loss Fort Myers, and Weight Loss Program Fort Myers, please visit our official website to learn more of the details at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com/weight-loss/
For your questions and custom weight loss advice, you may reach our Fort Myers, Florida Office at telephone number 239-482-3022 or you may visit our main page at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com to get hold of the general information.
 We care about you and your health! Myerlee Pharmacy offers sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. Call us now and you will be grateful you made the first step for losing weight effectively.

What is the Most Effective Skin Care Routine in Fort Myers?

“Beauty is in the skin! Take care of it, oil it, clean it, and put on your best clothes, even if there is no special occasion, and you'll feel like a queen,” as quoted by the late famous Moroccan feminist writer and sociologist, Fatema Memissi holds true to its essence.   
Don’t you have a skincare routine? Or perhaps, do you just prefer to fall asleep each night and need not worry about what is left on your skin? You may not think too much about your skincare routine, but the reality is you should have to. 
Your skin is the largest organ your wonderfully and fearfully God-created body has, and it functions hard each day to protect our bodies from harmful elements. 
Taking good care of your skin and developing a skincare routine is essential because it can help this organ do its job better, and longer. Our skin is greatly affected by environmental conditions such that when it is exposed, our skin changes that it loses its elasticity and it develops skin problems like wrinkles, acne, spots, and other symptoms. Thus, a skin-care routine is a must.
The skin-care routine consists of three main steps. First, is cleansing your face. Washing your face is the most basic and important step of any routine. Our skin is exposed to environmental pollutants, dirt and other factors each day that should be gently stripped. We need to wash twice a day, morning and evening, to prohibit clogged pores, dullness and acne. Find your facial cleanser which cleanses your skin without removing essential and healthy oil.
Secondly, toning which balances the skin. Toner is an original alcohol-based product in the year of the ’80s that was used to dry up oily skin and remove any leftover dirt following cleansing. Nowadays, modern formulas were created and had evolved. These solutions are like thin liquids that deliver an extra shot of nutrients, helping the other products in your regimen that absorbs better, while still balancing your natural complexion. 
Lastly, moisturizing which hydrates and softens the skin, and importantly assists in preventing water loss through the outer layers of skin. 
Myerlee Pharmacy, a state-of-the-art on-site sterile compounding pharmacy, is the only pharmacy in Lee County with a sterile license from State Board of Pharmacy, have the tools and resources to treat, prevent and reverse all types of skin problems and concerns. Our compounding pharmacy in Fort Myers offers sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. 
We also provide moisturizers, cleansers, topical medication or serums, oils, toners, masks, sunscreens, professional treatments as the inclusion of skincare routines. Our Dermatology pharmacy in Fort Myers has many innovative cosmeceutical products available that will help with rejuvenating aging skin. We offer solutions for every skin type and our pharmacists can work closely with you and your dermatologist to formulate the right custom blend of medication for your skin. 
Call now our Fort Myers office at 239-482-3022, or visit our website at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com. Our dermatology compounding pharmacy in Fort Myers has a variety of dermatology compounds such as for skin cancer (5-FU Products), anti-aging cream, wart removal, fungus, Rosacea, psoriasis/eczema, acne, facial peels, hair loss, radiation burns, shingles, amongst many other skin conditions.
Myerlee Pharmacy is the total skin solution when it comes to finding the best and ultimate skincare specialist company. Remember that skin confidence is extremely significant for your self-image, we know because we care about you and your health!

Monday, October 14, 2019

Have Your Eyes Been Incredibly Watery, Itchy and Red lately in Fort Myers, FL?

The most important sense is sight. It would be very difficult to undertake the daily routine without the sense of sight, thus, it is difficult to live without this sense. As a matter of fact, the sense of sight is the most reliable among the other senses. 
To see is to learn and learning is tough without it. That being said, the sense of sight plays a significant role to pursue one’s dreams and obtain a particular goal. With perfect sight, you could surely focus and achieve the utmost success in life. 
That is why you have to take good care of your eyes. You may observe a balanced nourishment as part of your regular and healthy diet with the consumption of nutritious food with vitamins A and C. This diet is more advisable to be undertaken together with a proper and daily exercise and sleep. 
However, due to the pollution and unhealthy lifestyle, your eyes get tired, itchy and red. Subsequently, when you suffer from eye problems, you immediately decide to see a doctor to be relieved, right?
Pink Eye treatments, types, and prevention
Pink eye that is also known as conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. The conjunctiva refers to the thin clear tissue found over the white part of the eye and lines the inside of the eyelid.
Conjunctivitis is highly is contagious but it is rarely a serious condition. It  is usually treated with antibiotic eye drops or ointments. 
There are two (2) types of conjunctivitis as follow:
a.    Bacterial conjunctivitis 
- this usually improves after three to four days of treatment, but patients need to take the entire course of antibiotics to prevent a recurrence. 
b. Viral conjunctivitis
- no drops or ointments can treat viral conjunctivitis
After a thorough medical consultation, the eye problems sometimes are not relieved due to the unsterile eye medication bought from disorganized pharmacies. Due to this  incident, it would be sensible to buy your medicines from a reputable pharmacy in Fort Myers, Florida. 
To make sure that you get hold of the correct medicine, it is strongly advised to purchase your medicines from Myerlee Pharmacy. We are a respected leader in the pharmaceutical compounding industry and served physicians and customers since 1991. We operate a pharmacy with a license from the State Board of Pharmacy. 
We provide high quality, cost-effective, customized compounded drug formulations of medications, which are not available from other pharmaceutical manufacturers. We undertake to produce a wide range of unique compounded medications suitable for every individual customer after having received a prescription from your physician.
For your needs about Eye Medication Pharmacy, Ophthalmic Pharmacy, Fort Myers Pharmacy, and Myerlee Pharmacy in Fort Myers, you may visit our official website to learn more at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com
We offer sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. 
Contact our Fort Myers office at 239-482-3022 for your questions. Our courteous personnel awaits your call to extend our paramount service to your utmost satisfaction. We care about you and your health, call us now! 

When Should I See My Doctor About My Menopause Symptoms in Florida

Becoming a woman is never easy. Considering, the ever-changing bodily hormones that fluctuate in a woman’s body-Menopause. In the United States alone, the number of females as of July 2017 is 165.3 million which should be affected by the female natural condition, at least once in their lifetime. 
September is Menopause Awareness Month, which every woman must be educated and be aware of menopause. In addition, as mostly neglected by men, is to know and understand the condition what the women are experiencing and undergoing through, especially during that menopausal period in all aspects of their bodily condition. Significantly, by knowing these bodily changes and how they would affect you would help to embrace reality, rather than suffer from the condition, menopause. 
Myerlee Pharmacy is not your ordinary pharmacy company, has been serving physicians and customers since 1991, and had established ourselves in Lee County as a well-respected leader in the pharmaceutical compounding industry. The only pharmacy in Lee County with a sterile license from the State Board of Pharmacy, discuss this informative article about menopause awareness that affects the modern women and (men) of America.  
What is Menopause?
Menopause, or its medical term as the climacteric, is a natural and normal part of aging in most women's lives when the menstruation process stops permanently, and they are no longer able to reproduce children.
When does Menopause Happen?
Generally, menopause can happen in the age of 40s or 50s, but the average age is 51 in the United States. Medical experts often describe menopause occurs when a woman has not had any vaginal bleeding for 365 days. It is defined as the decrease of hormonal levels in production by the ovaries.
In some cases, menopause occurs early and happens before the age of 40 which is called premature menopause. While between the age of 40 and 45 is called early menopause, and about 5 percent of women experience it. There are several factors that can cause menopause to come earlier than expected such as chromosome defects like Turner syndrome, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, smoking, genetics, and epilepsy, as well as surgery. 
What are its Common Symptoms?
Before the onset of menopause, a woman’s menstruation becomes irregular, meaning the period duration may be shorter or longer, or heavier or lighter in the amount of flow. Women would be experiencing hot flashes that last 30 seconds to ten minutes long, with skin reddening, shivering and sweating. Hot flashes usually last and stop after a year or two. Other notable symptoms include mood swings, trouble sleeping, and dryness in the vagina.
What are the Treatments for Menopause?
Menopause requires no medical treatment, otherwise, focus treatment on relieving the symptoms. Hot flashes treatment can be done by avoiding alcohol, caffeine, and smoking, or practical sleeping using a fan or in a cool room may help.
Some medications may help such as Gabapentin (Neurontin, Gralise, others), Clonidine (Catapres, Kapvay, others), menopausal hormone therapy(MHT), bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), and medications to prevent or treat osteoporosis.
For bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), has gotten a lot of attention in recent years. It promises a “natural” solution to hormone issues. Meanwhile, alternative medicine has not yet been found.
Menopause is not a disease, nor a disorder, but rather a natural progression in a woman’s body. There are some women who have few or no symptoms of menopause. While others can tolerate its symptoms without medical attention. However, if your symptoms are interfering with your daily normal activities every day, visit your medical doctor for consultation.   
Call Myerlee Pharmacy in Fort Myers office at 239-482-3022, our medical specialist staff would be happy to answer any queries with regard to menopause therapy Fort Myers, and pain management Fort Myers. Our bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), compounded from hormones that are identical to what your body produces. BHRT requires unique combinations to work just for you. Myerlee Pharmacy can customize any BHRT formula in several dosage forms depending on the symptom, severity, or your preference. These include vaginal, transdermal, sublingual, & oral capsules. Discuss with your doctor which method is best for you.
Myerlee Pharmacy, also do compounding services like female sexual aid, bioidentical hormones, pain management treatment, weight loss, and dermatology in Fort Myers
We care about you and your health! Myerlee Pharmacy offers sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. To know more about us, please visit our website at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Your Guide to a Healthy Skin

Great skin is not simply a matter of DNA — your everyday habits has a great impact on your reflection when you look at the mirror. But it still depends on the products that you are using, the reviews you’ve read and the doctors’ consultation. 
Do you find yourself flooded by all the commercials that claim their products will make your skin and feel and look so much better? If so, you are not alone. 
The good news is that you can care for your skin in very simple ways. Washing your face only doesn’t need to have a 10-step procedure and you don’t need a lot of money to spend on filling up your medicine cabinet. Here’s what you should keep in mind to sort through all the noise. 
1.    Cleansing your skin to safely get rid of all the dirt, grime other chemicals and toxins. 
2.    To hydrate your skin, you need to moisturize it. 
3.    Apply sunscreen to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays (UV rays)
The Basics of Cleansing
Most of us know that cleansing is very important in the part of good skin care.  The purpose of the cleanser is to surround, loosen and smoothen the easy removal of dirt, grimes, germs and other excessive oils on our skin. However, there are cleansers that are better than others. In fact, some have harmful effects on the skin. 
For example, there are people who can develop dry skin as a direct result of their daily cleansing routine. They may believe that their skin is only clean when it feels tight and crisp after washing. As a result, they get used to the idea of having rough patches on the back of their hands, itchiness in the winter and uneven, dull complexion. 
The question is: how do you know which type of cleanser is right for you? The first step is to understand your options.
·         Bar soaps are the commonly used cleansers but usually the most irritating. 
·         Liquid cleansers offer a wide variety of tolerability but sometimes results in oiliness. 
·         Facial cleansers are among the mildest cleanser but it may not remove all oil and dirt. 
The point is that when it comes to choosing your cleanser, you must start with the mildest possible choice. You need a cleanser that removes oil, dirt, debris without stripping away the natural moisture of the skin. 
The mildest facial scrub being considered are non-foaming facial cleansers. Some liquid cleansers also do a great job and others you need to watch out for the ingredients, such as soybean oil and petroleum, which may leave your skin uneasy and greasy. 
The Basics of Moisturizing
Moisturizing is an extremely important step in taking good care of your skin. A well-chosen moisturizer will stop your dry skin from cracked and flaky skin. The best choices will have a combination of ingredients that can restore your skin’s natural structure, pH balance, etc., lessen the damage from free-radicals and helps your skin cells function more normally. 
Newer state-of-the-art moisturizers are made from ingredients meant to restock the skin’s natural moisture and it includes: 
Glycerol in which it helps water and other moisturizing ingredients generally penetrate the outer layer of skin
Ceramides, which helps restock the skin’s natural oils. 
Hydroxy acids that helps with exfoliation of dead skin cells
Niacinamide, which assists the skin to produce natural oils and may revers some of the signs of sun damage. 
The Basics of Sunscreen Protection
This is the final step in taking good care of your skin and is usually forgotten. Sunscreen protection is today a must-have component of any daily health routine.
Excessive exposure to UV rays can cause damage to your skin and increases risk of skin cancer. Damage can happen in our everyday life, even when we are walking from our house to the car or sitting next to a sunny window. 
Here are some several factors in picking out your sunscreen:
·         SPF (Sun Protection Factor)
·         May it be every day or out-in-the-sun sunscreen
·         Contains a moisturizer that can help ward off your skin from drying
Even after applying sunscreen, it is still important to prevent excessive exposure and to cover those parts of your body that gets burned easily. Reapplying sunscreen is also very important if you swim or sweat extremely. 
You’ve worked hard to take care of your skin by cleansing and moisturizing it. Do not undo it by leaving it exposed to effects of the sun. find a good sunscreen and make it as part of your everyday routine as taking a bath. 
Always remember the three main steps in taking care of your skin: 
·         Cleansing-washing your face
·         Toning-balancing the skin
·         Moisturizing-hydrating and softening the skin
The ultimate of any skin care routine is to tune up your pigmentation so it is working at its best. Allow these three steps to become your daily routine that strengthens your skin and grounds your day.
Give It Time
The science behind skin-care products has come a long way but there’s still no such thing as an instant fix. Generally, aim to use a product over at least six weeks, once or twice daily, to notice a difference. 
Tip: With any skin-care product, apply in order of consistency — from thinnest to thickest. For example, cleanser, toner (if you use it), serum, and then moisturizer.
dermatology compounding pharmacy in Fort Myersoffers skin-care products that can make your skin smoother and beautiful. Myerlee Pharmacy knows that your ski is very unique The natural loss of elasticity in our skin and wrinkles due to aging, can be attributed to exposure to things like the sun, stress, fatigue, poor nutrition and environmental irritants. Aging skin is impossible to avoid since we can’t turn back the hands of time, that is why we have many innovative cosmeceutical products available that will help with rejuvenating aging skin.
Our pharmacists works closely with you and your dermatologist to formulate the right custom blend of medication for your skin. Our dermatology compounds are made for Skin Cancer (5-FU Products)Anti-Aging CreamWart Removal, Fungus, Rosacea, Psoriasis/Eczema, Acne, Facial peels, Hair loss, Radiation Burns, Shingles. Amongst many other skin conditions.
We care about you and your health! Myerlee Pharmacy offers sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. Contact our Fort Myers office at 239-482-3022 or visit our website at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Why Do You Need Dermatology Compounding For Acne?

Quite often, we are confronted with different undertakings, which require us to engage with other individuals. These social performances directly affect our normal communal routine, that way, we boost our self-esteem and somehow radiates a good feeling that eliminates frustrations.
Nonetheless, in the event that you have acne, you opt to be let alone, right? This strategy is the most effective way not to be seen and embarrassed due to the presence of this condition on our face. Having acne is something that adds aloofness character to one’s face and to effect, people will just keep on looking at you just to look-see even without malice. But to the person affected, it creates a stressful and uncomfortable situation that burdens his regular and social functioning.
That is why having acne is viewed as a disorder, thus, this should be taken seriously to be addressed.
The actual picture is frustrating and uncomfortable because acne appears mostly on the face. As far as the special place of our body is concerned, things become so complicated that many disadvantages will be brought about later on. In particular, embarrassment, stress, and even health problems could likewise take place. Consequently, it needs to be taken seriously, carefully and effectively.
The disappointment that resulted from social degradation would oftentimes bring about a sense of inferiority. As a result, the situation will worsen and dramatically upshot to a sad conclusion. That is why the failure to effectively control and break this disorder could somehow impact one’s health advancement.
Causes of Acne
Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages. It is a skin condition that when your hair follicles are clogged with oil and dead skin cells, the skin cells usually rise to the surface of our pores to be shed by the body. However, it often causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples, and usually appears on the face, forehead, chest, upper back and shoulders.
Throughout the adolescence stage, the body naturally increases its production of sebum, the oil that keeps the skin from drying out. For that reason, skin cells are more likely to become stuck together inside of pores.
The bacteria which normally lives on the surface of the skin will subsequently get trapped inside a clogged pore. Once inside, it will multiply and eventually cause swelling and inflammation.
In essence, you need to consult a Dermatologist to properly assess your medical problem by prescribing you with the proper medication to effectively cure your acne disorder.
Benefits of Dermatology Compounding
Compounding medication is the term being used to describe the preparation of a customized drug to a particular patient. This practice has long been observed by the dermatology compounding pharmacies, which collaborate with the Doctors to prepare a fit and unique medication to the need of the patient based on a specific skin type.
To successfully address your acne problem, you might need the expertise of Myerlee Pharmacy. We provide high quality, cost-effective, and customized compounded drug formulations, which are not available elsewhere.
Myerlee Pharmacy customizes the medication strength, eliminates preservatives, sugar, and dyes, alters the taste of medicine, and prepares medications that are no longer commercially available.
For queries about Myerlee Pharmacy, you may visit our webpage at https://www.myerleepharmacy.com/dermatology.
For your needs about dermatology Fort Myers, dermatology compounding pharmacy in Fort Myers, and dermatology pharmacy in Fort Myers, you may visit our official website https://www.myerleepharmacy.com
To find out more about our dermatology compounding pharmacy and acne treatment options, contact us today. We can also effectively treat psoriasis, eczema, rosacea, stretchmarks and much more!
You may contact our Fort Myer Service Center at 239-482-3022. Our enthusiastic customer representatives are excited to hear from you soon.

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Reducing the Risk of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Podiatry

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the healthcare sector created one in seven new jobs in the United States in 2018 alone and is the fastest-growing sector of the U.S. economy, employing over 346,000 jobs. However, despite its ever-increasing demand, the welfare of health care workers has been neglected when it comes to workplace injuries. Healthcare workers face a wide range of hazards on the job, including biological chemical, physical, ergonomic hazards, psychosocial, fire and explosion; and electrical hazards.
Although worker safety and protection guidelines have been implemented to prevent hazards from happening, healthcare workers still continue to experience injuries and illnesses in the workplace. 
There have been some cases reported from non-lethal occupational injury and illnesses like musculoskeletal disorders with healthcare workers.   
While studies about work-related musculoskeletal disorders across the health workforce, such as podiatry are still limited, basic understanding and reducing risks helps. This article discusses the musculoskeletal disorders in the podiatry sector and how to reduce its prevalence.  
What is a Musculoskeletal Disorder?
Musculoskeletal disorders are injuries or pain in the human musculoskeletal system, including the tendons, ligaments, joints, muscles, nerves, and structures that support limbs, neck, and back.
It can affect many different parts of the body including upper and lower back, neck, shoulders, and extremities. Musculoskeletal disorders, includes back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, tension neck syndrome, and hand-arm vibration syndrome.
Studies as to the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders like low back pain on specific occupational groups, such as podiatry have revealed an increasing number of awareness cases that leads to an above-average incidence.   
What is Podiatry?
Podiatry is a branch of medicine devoted to the study, diagnosis, and medical and surgical treatment of disorders of the foot, ankle, and lower extremity, and a podiatrist is the doctor, physician, and surgeon who treats the podiatric cases.
Recent studies have identified that these are predominantly associated with poor postures assumed while working by a podiatrist. Some suggestions of possible solutions have been made, to try to improve podiatrist’s postures while performing treatments.
The research also revealed that before podiatrists working in both domiciliary and clinical settings under both public and privately employed practitioners, use of posture supporting equipment such as ergonomic kit bags, stools, patient leg supports,  and others was irregular and uninformed. Currently, it is suggested that podiatrists should try out to make use of more posture assisting equipment while treating patients.
While there are benefits to the use of the equipment, the introduction of this into working practices would depend on the individual podiatrist choice as to the individual environment, patient’s condition and treatments. 
Below is the recommended posture assisting equipment:
Kneeling Stool 
Most patients found the kneeling stool to be very comfortable. The kneeling stool can be adjusted as to height requirement for better leg support to allow the two pieces of equipment to interact correctly. 
Kneeling Mat 
Currently the kneeling mat has the dimensions of 37.5 cm in width, 28 cm in height and a depth of 1 cm., however, some suggestions to make it larger in size is best suitable. Moreover, another consideration may also be given to the development of a purpose-built kneeling mat made of thicker material. Increasing the height of the knee may result in a more “neutral” posture of the ankle, which may enhance the patient's comfort. 
Limb Support 
Patient’s limb support offers great benefits to the podiatrist, as it reduces the amount of lifting of the patients’ leg required. The limb support provides more comfortable and stable footrest support. Designs with rounded surfaces to the limb support are beneficial that minimizes any effects of patient lower limb contact with this equipment. 
Conclusively, there are significant benefits to using the posture equipment, in terms of postural correction and comfort for the podiatrists. However, there are some variants and some subjects (minority) felt less comfortable using the equipment, even when they demonstrated improved, more upright postures. In overall, it would depend on the individual podiatrist choice.
Musculoskeletal disorders develop due to the poor postural working position of podiatrists. A podiatrist can reduce the risk of developing musculoskeletal disorder by using different postural equipment like kneeling stool, kneeling mat, and limb support.
If you are now suffering from back pain or any kind of musculoskeletal disorder, a customized compounded drug formulations of medications pharmacy in Fort Myers may able to help you out. 
Myerlee Pharmacy provides high quality, cost-effective, customized compounded drug formulations of medications that are not available from a pharmaceutical manufacturer. We produce a wide range of unique compounded medications suitable for every individual customer after having received a prescription from your physician.
Myerlee Pharmacy, your dermatology compounding pharmacy in Fort Myers also do compounding services like female sexual aid, bioidentical hormones, pain management, weight loss, and dermatology. Our dermatology pharmacy in Fort Myers offer our latest service in dermatology compounding, our dermatology compounds are made for Skin Cancer (5-FU Products), Anti-Aging Cream, Wart Removal, and many other skin conditions. To know more about our dermatology compounding, please click at  https://www.myerleepharmacy.com/dermatology/, or contact our dermatology office at Fort Myers at 239-482-3022.
We care about you and your health! Myerlee Pharmacy offers sterile and non-sterile compounded medications for all your health needs and issues. For more details and information, please visit our website at  https://www.myerleepharmacy.com.